Event: Lejlet Lapsi
When: 6th June, 2011
Where: St.Julians Bay and Promenade
Time: 6.30pm ~ 12.30amA Folk Festival used to be held in the times when the Knights were in Malta, with the Grandmaster organizing a grand feast for the Knights around Lapsi
* to encourage them in whatever circumstance or encounters they had to face especially with the Turks.
From early afternoon, free wine and food would be distributed from the Spinola Palace Gardens and surroundings to all present including St.Julians residents as well as those who would come to the bay from B'Kara. This feast was extremely popular with the Maltese.
To bring this feast back to life, the St.Julians Local Council in collaboration with the Parliamentary Secretariat for Consumer, Fair Competition, Local Councils and Public Competition as well as with the Tourist Authority will be organizing Lejlet Lapsi. St.Julians Bay and all along the Promenade will be transformed into a
Folkloristic Village. There will be various stands of
Maltese crafts and Maltese products. Banners and flags will decorate the area. Animators in the children's area will provide
entertainment for the kids and there will also be Arts and Crafts, Bouncing Castles and other fun and games. Musicians playing traditional Maltese instruments as well as singers in costume will mingle with the crowds.
One of the highlights of this activity will be the
Re-enactment of the time when the Grandmaster used to visit this location. Around 90 actors as well as horses and a canon salute will bring this episode to life. This colourful spectacle will start from Balluta square around 7.30pm where a regiment of soldiers will march towards Spinola Bay. I'll let the rest be a surprise for you should you be there!
You will be entertained with
colour, music and so much more all through the evening which will come to its close with a spectacular show on the main stage set up in the bay where some of our best singers will give a rendition of great Maltese songs.
This is a great occasion for a great evening out with your family and friends.* Lapsi is the feast of the Ascension, celebrated 50 days after Easter.