... for you, for me, for each and every one of us.Yes, Christ was born that day more than two thousand years ago to save mankind.
That was the greatest gift, that God sent His only Son to save us.
Love came to the world that night.
Will you let Jesus be born in your heart,
and will you let him dwell there forever?
Do you remember these beautiful verses?
What shall I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would give Him a lamb.
If I were a wise man, I would do my part.
Yet what can I give Him...I'll give Him my heart.
I hope you will all have a Blessed Christmas, one that is celebrated with love and joy in remembering Christ's birthday
and may you and your loved ones know many special blessings
of peace and happiness in knowing the Lord.
As you enjoy this festive season with family and friends,
may the spirit of Christmas live within your hearts
throughout the New Year.