Today I'm featuring a wreath with a difference. My friend Joann of the "Holiday Year-Round Tree" and "Holiday Room" fame has shared her creativity with me again. So with her permission I am posting it here today, hoping it may inspire others to try this lovely, novel and stylish idea. This could have been a Wordless Wednesday post as the pics are very self explanatory but I had to give credit to my friend. Thanks again Joann : ) Well done!
As an added footnote I'd like to add thatJoann took last year's wreath and just re-arranged the flowers and added the numbers. The numbers are foam and she got these at the Dollar Store. We might need to get ours from a hobby store which would be more expensive or try to cut your own from stencils downloaded from a stencil site on your pc. She coloured the numbers and stuck them onto the wreath with glue dots and toothpicks. Have fun trying to make your own : D
Hi I'm Doreen, welcome to my blogging world!
I hope you will visit often to share the ideas and moments in my creative and writing adventures.
Being creative is just so much a part of me...I love to do all kinds of crafts, redecorate, recycle, paint, write poetry and stories and I also enjoy taking pictures. There is so much around us that inspires me to create and write about and I thank God for all of it...every day I try to do something creative, however little or big, and that gives me a feeling of happiness and fulfillment. I invite you to join me in my adventures...